Monday, December 17, 2007

Mumbai Salsa...bah

Timepass... had to do something for timepass.. it is in these exasperating moments that I end up watching these totally whacko movies... mumbai salsa was no exception... having watched veer das on the small screen as a budding stand up comedian, I seriously expected to watch a movie that would do justice to my sense of humour. Far from achieving any such feat, the movie left me gasping for fresh air with its boorish attempts at slapstick frivolity. For some reason, throughout the movie this group of guys kept repeating the colloqualism "khoofiyapanti"... a tongue-in-cheek substitution for chootiyapanti.. which going by the sudden spurt of unprudishness in hindi cinema language would have been quite okay to use in the first place...

But to be fair to the movie, there were interspersed ticklish moments like the times where the protagonist's body builder friend gives him some essential dating tips... apart from these occasional moments of relief the movie had a stifling storyline.. one with no artistic substance. If the movie was an attempt to ape the kind of new age cinema that keeps popping out these days.. the genre of mixed doubles, mumbai matinee and the like, then I must say it was a rather poorly conceived attempt.. now I'm not a movie critic or anything, but when someone wastes my time in the name of refreshing bollywood entertainment, i must cry foul. Let's totally not do the Mumbai Salsa..

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