Monday, December 17, 2007

Your contribution/opinion/work shall be valuable to us

It's a funny line this one... it holds no jot of truth of course, but bosses/HR managers/leaders across the globe will have you believe that it's gospel truth. Nothing could be farther from it. Having been part of the Placement Coordination committee at college, I had the chance to watch these HR/PR stunts acted out in first person. I noted that in every case, the person delivering such mean punchlines had only one objective: To dupe. And the beauty of it all that young techies fall for this baloney every year. I guess the whole motto of 'studying' HR is learning 10000 different ways of lying effectively to an employee/subordinate/potential recruit... Check this out:

HR Manager during a PPT(Pre-placement talk): "Our company hires only the best people."
After evading a hundred direct queries about the compensation: "Rest assured, our compensation is pegged to the industrial average."
Hmm... so while you have the smartest guys in the world working for you, by some whim of your sadistic management, you decide to pay them only an 'average' salary.... nice... I wonder why you guys aren't professional cons...would make a killing no?

Student during PPT: "Is there any bond we must sign before joining your company?"
HR Manager: "What bond? The only bond you have at [Company Name] is an emotional bond"
Fineprint on job offer-letter: "In the event that you wish to quit our organization, you shall be liable to repay us the entire amount spent on you during employee training programs"
Huh.. and you thought there was a bond? You dimwit!

These are just sample cases from a whole body of damning evidence against the ilk of HR managers... So maybe company PPT's on campus should henceforth come with statutory warnings(with the freaky skull, bones and all..) : "This session could be an insult to your intelligence"


Suchintya said...

Your last line rings very true. The question is, how many are ready to take offense at that ?? Most amongst us are ready to accept what comes our way and then bitch behind the company's back. Unless the individual is ready to take up the cudgels out of his/her own desire and passion, it is I believe going to stay the same way.

Ujjwal said...

ha ha ha..
and well said suchintya.