Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Terrorism : The Why's and What's behind the twisted thinking

It's very difficult to look for reason in an act where a gun-sporting juvenile massacres fellow humans whose "ideology" differs from that of his own. But then, there must be something that drives a young man, extremely capable of achieving a socially productive end, to annihilate hundreds of people. The question then, is, what cause can be so all-effacing and overpowering?

Religion, they say, is one overarching motivation. I personally have my doubts. If you seek to define religion, in its authentic spirit, as devotion to a superior force, then I'm not inclined to believe that thousands of fanatic young men do what they do for the love of God. It's got to be something else. Like brotherhood, of an evil variant. Like sympathy, for a radical belief.

I can understand when the hungry, exploited kids in Africa carry guns, firing arbitrarily to maim scores of people. But I fail to comprehend why well-fed Britons and their perverted Sheikh counterparts from Saudi Arabia, take to terrorism. How Osama Bin Laden and his accomplices have come to believe that they shall someday be exalted in the eyes of the Almighty because they have slaughtered the infidels, is beyond my reasoning.

So is there a cure? Or are we certain there's a disease to begin with? It's tough to say. And even as we try and figure out answers to this and other such baffling queries, the pervert is planning his next massacre.

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