Saturday, March 10, 2007

So what good can come of exams?

Every time I answer my semester exams(that's four times a year..) a familiar question pops into my head.....Why am I doing this? I mean I do understand that it's something I'm not allowed to question in the sense that exams are a time tested phenomenon that cannot be wished away by morons like me.....but anyway, now that I'm answering these exams, I might as well do some brainstorming(as if studying for them wasn't enough!)...

Well, frankly, in my opinion exams don't mean least not in India....they just encourage rote learning and challenge our crisis management skills like hell. And if you ask me,for starters, we in India take too many exams...exams to get into school, exams when you're in school, exams to get out of school....and repeat this procedure for undergrad and grad college...and what you have is a people who are probably more obsessed with exams than any other race in human history....

So what good can come of exams? Do you learn a shit? I guess most of us(the people I know at least...) can't remember what they studied for yesterday's exam...yes, we Indians do have brilliantly short term if exams are not meant to help us learn and if they don't accurately judge how much we've learnt, then why do we have them in the first place? Some kind of tribute to the eternal rat race are they?

Well I guess, it's not my mortal business questioning the efficacy of exams...I mean how dare I?....So I don't see any respite from the dreaded exam phenomenon in the recent you?

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