Sunday, June 25, 2006

College life....past, present and future

It's been two years now......Halfway through college and I decide to do a little flashback...put all those days in retrospect. There have been days of elation, revelry...and days of desperation. I've had the good times and of course, my share of tough times......There are ways in which college has changed me, and there are so many other ways in which I remain the same.

The fact remains that these days have brought some of the best times I've ever many more pals, so much more fun, frolic,excitement and what have you.... it's been as they say: 'the time of my life'. My college has a great spirit-a unique one. It's one of the oldest educational institutions in the country and more often than not such places tend to have a culture of their own. When you come in, you become part of the family and join in the BIT experience....whether it's cursing the administration, enjoying the scenic beauty of the place or simply whiling away time around the canteen...

What I like about this place is that it's constantly on the move.....not in a manner visible to anyone, but discreetly...people are moving ahead all the while. Exploring new ideas, changing old attitudes, adding to their personality and constantly gaining in the whole process. You may not be at the forefront of a revolution to realize that you are changing...and yet you are!

I would much rather have preferred if my college was not as sleepy as it usually looks....laid back and quiet like a place isolated from the world: physically but not socially. This particular quality of the place leads many people to believe (incorrectly I contend...) that there's nothing going on around here....

All these days have flown by like a dream....classes, exams, parties, fests, arguments.....and yet there's something that tells me that I haven't even seen half the fun yet.... There are so many things left to be done...and just two years to fit them in....challenging, but exciting all the same. And so as I laze around at home, wondering what the next two years of college might be like, somewhere at the back of my mind I know that amazing times are ahead!!

1 comment:

Ujjwal said...

good luck with the next two years..and its true, people are moving ahead and changing a lot.